When is it appropriate to use an R Bar Chart over a Line Graph?
a) When comparing the frequencies of discrete categories
b) When showing trends over time
c) When displaying the distribution of continuous data
d) When illustrating relationships between two variables
a) When comparing the frequencies of discrete categories
R bar charts are appropriate for comparing the frequencies or proportions of discrete categories. Each bar represents a different category, and the height or length of the bar corresponds to the frequency or proportion of that category. Bar charts are particularly effective when you need to compare distinct groups or categories, such as survey responses, product sales, or demographic data.
# Example of a bar chart
categories <- c("Category A", "Category B", "Category C", "Category D")
counts <- c(50, 30, 20, 10)
barplot(counts, names.arg = categories, col = "skyblue", main = "Bar Chart Example", ylab = "Frequency")
In this example, a bar chart is used to compare the frequencies of four categories. The bars provide a clear visual comparison, making it easy to see which category has the highest or lowest frequency. Bar charts are ideal when you need to highlight differences between distinct groups or categories.