Java Library

Which method is used to unmarshal an XML document to a Java object using JAXB?

Which method is used to unmarshal an XML document to a Java object using JAXB? A) unmarshal() B) deserialize() C) convertToObject() D) readFromXML() Answer: A) unmarshal() Explanation: The unmarshal() method in JAXB is used to convert an XML document to a Java object. This process is known as unmarshalling. The unmarshal() method reads the XML

Which method is used to unmarshal an XML document to a Java object using JAXB? Read More »

Which method is used to marshal a Java object to XML using JAXB?

Which method is used to marshal a Java object to XML using JAXB? A) marshal() B) serialize() C) convertToXML() D) writeToXML() Answer: A) marshal() Explanation: The marshal() method in JAXB is used to convert a Java object to an XML document. This process is known as marshalling. The marshal() method writes the Java object to

Which method is used to marshal a Java object to XML using JAXB? Read More »

Which method in the DOM API is used to create a new element in an XML document?

Which method in the DOM API is used to create a new element in an XML document? A) createElement() B) createNode() C) newElement() D) addElement() Answer: A) createElement() Explanation: The createElement() method in the DOM API is used to create a new element in an XML document. This method creates an element node with the

Which method in the DOM API is used to create a new element in an XML document? Read More »

Which annotation is used in JAXB to map a Java class to an XML element?

Which annotation is used in JAXB to map a Java class to an XML element? A) @XmlElement B) @XmlType C) @XmlRootElement D) @XmlAccessorType Answer: C) @XmlRootElement Explanation: The @XmlRootElement annotation in JAXB is used to map a Java class to an XML element. This annotation indicates that the class represents the root element of the

Which annotation is used in JAXB to map a Java class to an XML element? Read More »

Which Java API is commonly used for processing XML documents?

Which Java API is commonly used for processing XML documents? A) SAX B) DOM C) JAXB D) All of the above Answer: D) All of the above Explanation: Java provides several APIs for processing XML documents: SAX (Simple API for XML): An event-driven, streaming API for processing XML documents. DOM (Document Object Model): A tree-based

Which Java API is commonly used for processing XML documents? Read More »

Which Thymeleaf attribute is used to set the value of an input field?

Which Thymeleaf attribute is used to set the value of an input field? A) th:value B) th:text C) th:field D) th:data Answer: A) th:value Explanation: The th:value attribute in Thymeleaf is used to set the value of an input field dynamically. This attribute binds the value of the input field to a model attribute, making

Which Thymeleaf attribute is used to set the value of an input field? Read More »

What is the purpose of the th:if attribute in Thymeleaf?

What is the purpose of the th:if attribute in Thymeleaf? A) To conditionally include content based on a boolean expression B) To iterate over a collection C) To format dates D) To include an external template Answer: A) To conditionally include content based on a boolean expression Explanation: The th:if attribute in Thymeleaf is used

What is the purpose of the th:if attribute in Thymeleaf? Read More »

How do you display a variable’s value in Thymeleaf?

How do you display a variable’s value in Thymeleaf? A) [[${variable}]] B) {{variable}} C) ${variable} D) $[variable] Answer: A) [[${variable}]] Explanation: In Thymeleaf, the double square brackets [[${variable}]] are used to display the value of a variable within an HTML element. This syntax ensures that the value is properly escaped and rendered as text in

How do you display a variable’s value in Thymeleaf? Read More »

Which Thymeleaf attribute is used to iterate over a collection?

Which Thymeleaf attribute is used to iterate over a collection? A) th:each B) th:for C) th:loop D) th:repeat Answer: A) th:each Explanation: The th:each attribute in Thymeleaf is used to iterate over a collection of items. It works similarly to a for-each loop in Java, allowing you to render a list of elements dynamically. For

Which Thymeleaf attribute is used to iterate over a collection? Read More »

How do you include a fragment in a Thymeleaf template?

How do you include a fragment in a Thymeleaf template? A) th:insert B) th:include C) th:replace D) All of the above Answer: D) All of the above Explanation: Thymeleaf provides multiple ways to include fragments in templates: th:insert includes the fragment’s content inside an existing tag. th:include works similarly but can be more flexible with

How do you include a fragment in a Thymeleaf template? Read More »

Which file extension is typically used for Thymeleaf templates?

Which file extension is typically used for Thymeleaf templates? A) .html B) .jsp C) .xhtml D) .xml Answer: A) .html Explanation: Thymeleaf templates are typically stored with the .html file extension. This allows them to be both viewed as standard HTML documents in a web browser and processed by the Thymeleaf engine to generate dynamic

Which file extension is typically used for Thymeleaf templates? Read More »

Which section of the pom.xml file is used to define project information such as the name, description, and version?

Which section of the pom.xml file is used to define project information such as the name, description, and version? A) <modelVersion> B) <project> C) <groupId> D) <parent> Answer: B) <project> Explanation: The <project> section of the pom.xml file contains the project’s metadata, including the name, description, version, group ID, and artifact ID. This section provides

Which section of the pom.xml file is used to define project information such as the name, description, and version? Read More »

What is the difference between mvn clean install and mvn clean package?

What is the difference between mvn clean install and mvn clean package? A) mvn install installs the package to the local repository, while mvn package only creates the package B) mvn package installs the package to the local repository, while mvn install only creates the package C) There is no difference between the two commands

What is the difference between mvn clean install and mvn clean package? Read More »

How do you specify a repository in Maven?

How do you specify a repository in Maven? A) By adding a <repository> element within the <repositories> section B) By adding a <pluginRepository> element within the <repositories> section C) By adding a <dependency> element within the <repositories> section D) By adding a <plugin> element within the <repositories> section Answer: A) By adding a <repository> element

How do you specify a repository in Maven? Read More »

What is the purpose of the dependencyManagement section in Maven?

What is the purpose of the dependencyManagement section in Maven? A) To manage versions of dependencies in child projects B) To configure Maven plugins C) To define the project’s main dependencies D) To specify the repository settings Answer: A) To manage versions of dependencies in child projects Explanation: The <dependencyManagement> section in Maven is used

What is the purpose of the dependencyManagement section in Maven? Read More »

How do you configure a Maven plugin in the pom.xml file?

How do you configure a Maven plugin in the pom.xml file? A) By adding a <plugin> element within the <build> section B) By adding a <dependency> element within the <dependencies> section C) By adding a <repository> element within the <repositories> section D) By adding a <plugin> element within the <dependencyManagement> section Answer: A) By adding

How do you configure a Maven plugin in the pom.xml file? Read More »

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