
Which command in UNIX is used to display system information?

Which command in UNIX is used to display system information? a) uname b) top c) df d) ps Answer: a) uname Explanation: The uname command in UNIX is used to display basic system information, including the operating system name, kernel version, and system architecture. By default, running uname prints the operating system name, while additional

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Which command in UNIX is used to search for files in a directory hierarchy?

Which command in UNIX is used to search for files in a directory hierarchy? a) find b) locate c) grep d) search Answer: a) find Explanation: The find command in UNIX is used to search for files and directories in a directory hierarchy. It allows users to specify various search criteria, such as file name,

Which command in UNIX is used to search for files in a directory hierarchy? Read More »

Which command in UNIX is used to search for a specific pattern in files?

Which command in UNIX is used to search for a specific pattern in files? a) grep b) find c) locate d) search Answer: a) grep Explanation: The grep command in UNIX is used to search for a specific pattern within files and display the matching lines. It stands for “global regular expression print” and allows

Which command in UNIX is used to search for a specific pattern in files? Read More »

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