R Lists MCQ

1. What is a list in R?

a) A sequence of numbers
b) A collection of elements of the same type
c) A collection of elements of potentially different types
d) A key-value pair


c) A collection of elements of potentially different types


A list in R is a collection that can hold elements of different types, including numbers, strings, vectors, and even other lists.

2. How do you create a list in R?

a) list()
b) c()
c) vector()
d) array()


a) list()


The list() function is used to create a list in R.

3. How do you access the third element of a list named 'myList' in R?

a) myList[3]
b) myList(3)
c) myList[[3]]
d) myList{3}


c) myList[[3]]


Double square brackets [[ ]] are used to access a single element of a list in R.

4. How can you add an element to an existing list in R?

a) append()
b) push()
c) c()
d) list()


a) append()


The append() function is used to add elements to an existing list in R.

5. What does the lapply() function do in R?

a) Applies a function over a list and returns a list
b) Applies a function over a vector and returns a vector
c) Sorts a list
d) Converts a list to a vector


a) Applies a function over a list and returns a list


The lapply() function applies a function to each element of a list and returns a list of the results.

6. How do you remove an element from a list in R?

a) delete()
b) remove()
c) list$element <- NULL
d) unset()


c) list$element <- NULL


To remove an element from a list, you can set it to NULL using list$element <- NULL.

7. Which function checks if an object is a list in R?

a) is.list()
b) typeof()
c) is.object()
d) is.collection()


a) is.list()


The is.list() function is used to check if an object is a list in R.

8. How do you concatenate two lists in R?

a) c()
b) append()
c) merge()
d) concat()


a) c()


The c() function can be used to concatenate two or more lists in R.

9. What is the result of the expression length(list(1, 2, 3, 4)) in R?

a) 1
b) 4
c) 3
d) Error


b) 4


The length() function returns the number of elements in a list, so length(list(1, 2, 3, 4)) is 4.

10. How do you create a named list in R?

a) list(name = "value")
b) list("name" = "value")
c) list[name] = "value"
d) list{"name" = "value"}


a) list(name = "value")


A named list is created by specifying the name of each element in the list() function, as in list(name = "value").

11. How do you access a named element 'age' in a list named 'person' in R?

a) person["age"]
b) person$age
c) person(age)
d) Both a and b


d) Both a and b


In R, a named element of a list can be accessed using either the $ operator (person$age) or the [ ] operator with the name as a string (person["age"]).

12. What does the sapply() function do in R?

a) Applies a function over a list and returns a vector or matrix
b) Sorts a list
c) Searches for an element in a list
d) Splits a list into sub-lists


a) Applies a function over a list and returns a vector or matrix


The sapply() function in R applies a function to each element of a list and simplifies the result into a vector or matrix.

13. How do you update an existing element in a list in R?

a) list[element] <- new_value
b) update(list, element, new_value)
c) list$element <- new_value
d) Both a and c


d) Both a and c


To update an existing element in a list, you can use the $ operator or the [ ] operator, such as list$element <- new_value or list[element] <- new_value.

14. How do you check if a list is empty in R?

a) isempty(list)
b) length(list) == 0
c) null(list)
d) empty(list)


b) length(list) == 0


To check if a list is empty in R, you can use the condition length(list) == 0.

15. What is the outcome of combining a list and a vector using the c() function in R?

a) A combined list
b) A combined vector
c) Error
d) A data frame


a) A combined list


When a list and a vector are combined using the c() function, the result is a list containing the elements of both the original list and the vector.

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