What is the R repeat Loop?

What is the R repeat Loop?

a) A control structure that executes a block of code repeatedly until a break condition is met
b) A function that repeats a string multiple times
c) A loop that iterates over elements in a sequence
d) A method for defining recursive functions


a) A control structure that executes a block of code repeatedly until a break condition is met


The repeat loop in R is a control structure that repeatedly executes a block of code indefinitely until a specific condition is met and a break statement is encountered. Unlike other loops, repeat does not have a predefined exit condition; you must explicitly specify when to exit the loop using break.

Syntax of the repeat loop:

repeat {
    # Code to execute
    if (condition) {

Explanation of components:

  • The code block inside repeat { } is executed repeatedly.
  • An if statement checks for a condition; when the condition is TRUE, the break statement exits the loop.

Example of a repeat loop:

# Initialize counter
counter <- 1

# Start repeat loop
repeat {
    counter <- counter + 1

    # Break the loop when counter exceeds 5
    if (counter > 5) {

# Output:
# [1] 1
# [1] 2
# [1] 3
# [1] 4
# [1] 5

In this example, the loop starts with counter equal to 1 and increments it by 1 in each iteration. When counter becomes greater than 5, the if condition evaluates to TRUE, and the break statement exits the loop.

Calculating the factorial of a number using repeat loop:

# Calculate factorial of 5
number <- 5
factorial <- 1

repeat {
    factorial <- factorial * number
    number <- number - 1

    if (number <= 1) {

print(factorial)  # Output: 120

In this example, the loop multiplies factorial by number and decrements number by 1 in each iteration. When number reaches 1, the loop exits, and the factorial of 5 (which is 120) is printed.

Infinite loops and caution:

Since repeat loops do not have an inherent exit condition, it’s crucial to ensure that the break condition will be met at some point. Otherwise, the loop will run indefinitely, potentially causing your program to hang or crash.

The repeat loop is useful when the number of iterations is not known beforehand and when you need a loop that will continue until a certain condition is met during execution.

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