What is an R Vector?

What is an R Vector?

a) A basic data structure that stores elements of the same type
b) A collection of matrices
c) A type of data frame
d) A method for visualizing data


a) A basic data structure that stores elements of the same type


A vector in R is a basic data structure that stores elements of the same type. Vectors are commonly used to store numerical, character, or logical data. They can be created using the c() function, which combines elements into a vector.

# Creating a numeric vector
numeric_vector <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# Creating a character vector
char_vector <- c("apple", "banana", "cherry")

# Creating a logical vector
logical_vector <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)

In this example, three types of vectors are created: numeric, character, and logical. All elements in a vector must be of the same type, making vectors a simple yet powerful tool for storing and manipulating data in R.

Vectors are fundamental in R programming and are used extensively in data analysis, statistical modeling, and mathematical computations.

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