How do you write your first R program?

How do you write your first R program?

a) By creating a script file with the .R extension and writing R code inside it
b) By using a spreadsheet application
c) By writing code in a word processor
d) By running a shell script


a) By creating a script file with the .R extension and writing R code inside it


To write your first R program, create a script file with the .R extension and write R code inside it. You can use any text editor or an IDE like RStudio to create and run R scripts. A simple first program might involve printing a message to the console or performing a basic calculation.

# First R program
print("Welcome to R Programming!")
result <- 5 + 3

In this example, the script prints a welcome message and then performs a simple addition of two numbers, storing the result in a variable and printing it to the console.

Running an R script is straightforward in RStudio: simply write your code in the script editor and click “Run” or use the command line in the console to execute the script. This basic program introduces you to the syntax and structure of R programming.

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