How do R Data Frames handle different data types within the same structure?
a) Each column in a data frame can have a different data type
b) All data in a data frame must be of the same type
c) Data frames convert all data to character type
d) Data frames only allow numeric data
a) Each column in a data frame can have a different data type
R data frames are unique in that each column within the same structure can have a different data type. This allows data frames to store and manage diverse datasets where each variable (column) might represent a different type of data, such as numbers, strings, or factors.
# Creating a data frame with different data types
my_data_frame <- data.frame(
Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),
Age = c(25, 30, 35),
Is_Employed = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
# Checking the structure of the data frame
# Output:
# 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables:
# $ Name : chr "Alice" "Bob" "Charlie"
# $ Age : num 25 30 35
# $ Is_Employed: logi TRUE FALSE TRUE
In this example, the data frame my_data_frame
contains a character column (Name
), a numeric column (Age
), and a logical column (Is_Employed
). This flexibility makes data frames the preferred structure for handling real-world datasets that contain a variety of data types, such as survey results, experimental data, or financial records.