How do you configure logging in a Spring Boot application?

How do you configure logging in a Spring Boot application?

A) By adding a logback.xml or log4j2.xml file in the classpath
B) By setting logging properties in
C) By adding a logging dependency like Logback or Log4j2
D) All of the above


D) All of the above


Logging in a Spring Boot application can be configured in several ways:

  • Logback or Log4j2 Configuration Files: You can place a logback.xml or log4j2.xml file in the classpath to configure logging behavior. These files allow you to customize log levels, appenders, and other logging settings.
  • Application Properties: You can set logging properties directly in the or application.yml file. For example:
logging.pattern.console=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %msg%n
  • Logging Dependencies: Spring Boot uses Logback as the default logging framework, but you can include other logging dependencies like Log4j2 by adding them to your pom.xml or build.gradle file. Spring Boot will automatically detect and configure the logging framework you choose.

Using a combination of these methods, you can fully customize the logging behavior in your Spring Boot application to suit your needs.

Reference links:

Spring Boot Tutorial

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