Which of the following is NOT a feature of Spring Boot?
Spring Boot provides many features that simplify the development and deployment of Spring-based applications, including embedded server support (like Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow), opinionated starter dependencies that bundle common dependencies into simple packages, and automatic configuration that reduces the need for manual setup.
However, Spring Boot does not include an integrated Java compiler. Java compilation is handled by the Java Development Kit (JDK), and Spring Boot relies on standard tools like Maven or Gradle for building and compiling Java code. While Spring Boot streamlines many aspects of application development, it does not replace the role of the Java compiler or build tools in the software development process.
Developers still need to use a JDK and appropriate build tools to compile their Spring Boot applications before they can be executed or deployed. Spring Boot’s role is to simplify application setup, configuration, and deployment, but it does not extend to compiling Java code itself.