What is the purpose of wildcards in Java Generics?

Java MCQ: What is the purpose of wildcards in Java Generics?

a) To allow flexibility in specifying types
b) To enforce strict type constraints
c) To convert types at runtime
d) To eliminate the need for type parameters


a) To allow flexibility in specifying types


Wildcards in Java Generics are used to allow flexibility in specifying types when working with generic classes, interfaces, and methods. Wildcards are represented by the question mark (?) symbol and can be used in place of a specific type parameter to indicate that any type is acceptable.

There are three main types of wildcards in Java Generics:

  • Unbounded Wildcard (?): This wildcard indicates that any type is acceptable. It is often used when the specific type is not important, and you want to allow any type to be passed.
  • Upper Bounded Wildcard (? extends T): This wildcard allows you to specify that the type must be a subclass of a specific type T. For example, List<? extends Number> means that the list can contain any type that is a subclass of Number, such as Integer, Double, or Float.
  • Lower Bounded Wildcard (? super T): This wildcard allows you to specify that the type must be a superclass of a specific type T. For example, List<? super Integer> means that the list can contain any type that is a superclass of Integer, such as Number or Object.

Wildcards are particularly useful in situations where you want to write methods that can work with different types while still enforcing some type constraints. For example, a method that processes a list of numbers might use an upper-bounded wildcard to ensure that the list contains only numeric types while still allowing flexibility in the specific type used.

In summary, wildcards in Java Generics provide a powerful way to increase the flexibility and reusability of your code by allowing you to specify a range of acceptable types in a generic class, interface, or method.

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