Java Servlet MCQ

Get ready for our latest blog post featuring a quiz on Java Servlets. It’s a cool way to test your knowledge and learn more about web development with Java!

Java Servlets are a key technology for web development in Java, allowing developers to create dynamic web content. Servlets run on a web server, responding to requests from web clients, usually browsers. They can read data sent by users, process it, and send back a response. This makes them essential for creating interactive websites and applications.

Dive into our MCQs to see how well you understand Java Servlets. Whether you’re preparing for an interview or just looking to brush up on your Java web development skills, this quiz offers a fun way to learn. Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the world of Java Servlets together!

1. Which package contains the core servlet classes and interfaces?

a) java.servlet
b) javax.servlet
c) java.web.servlet
d) javax.web


b) javax.servlet


Servlet classes and interfaces are primarily found in the javax.servlet package.

2. Which method is called only once during the lifecycle of a servlet?

a) start()
b) execute()
c) init()
d) run()


c) init()


The init() method is called only once when the servlet is first loaded into memory.

3. Which interface provides request information for HTTP servlets?

a) HttpServlet
b) ServletRequest
c) HttpServletRequest
d) HttpInfo


c) HttpServletRequest


The HttpServletRequest interface extends the ServletRequest interface to provide request information for HTTP servlets.

4. Which HTTP method represents the doGet() method in a servlet?

b) PUT
c) GET


c) GET


The doGet() method corresponds to the HTTP GET method.

5. Which of these methods is not part of the servlet lifecycle?

a) init()
b) service()
c) destroy()
d) execute()


d) execute()


init(), service(), and destroy() are the three main lifecycle methods of a servlet. There’s no execute() method in this lifecycle.

6. Which method is responsible for cleaning up resources before the servlet is destroyed?

a) finalize()
b) clean()
c) destroy()
d) delete()


c) destroy()


The destroy() method is called before the servlet is taken out of service, allowing it to release any resources it has acquired.

7. Which interface must be implemented by all servlets?

a) WebServlet
b) ServletInterface
c) Servlet
d) ServletApp


c) Servlet


All servlets must implement the Servlet interface, either directly or most commonly by extending classes that implement it.

8. Which method receives and processes client requests?

a) getRequest()
b) processRequest()
c) service()
d) handle()


c) service()


The service() method is responsible for receiving and processing client requests.

9. Which servlet method is called for every client request?

a) start()
b) doService()
c) service()
d) handleRequest()


c) service()


The service() method is called for every client request.

10. What is the default session timeout (in minutes) in web.xml?

a) 10
b) 15
c) 20
d) 30


d) 30


The default session timeout is typically set to 30 minutes in the web.xml descriptor.

11. Which method is used to retrieve parameter values from the query string?

a) getParams()
b) getParameter()
c) getQuery()
d) fetchParameter()


b) getParameter()


The getParameter() method is used to retrieve parameter values from the query string.

12. What is the use of the RequestDispatcher interface?

a) Manage request attributes
b) Forward or include resource/response
c) Manage HTTP headers
d) Handle session tracking


b) Forward or include resource/response


RequestDispatcher provides the functionality to forward a request to another resource or include the content of another resource.

13. Which listener is used to listen to HttpSession events?

a) ServletRequestListener
b) ServletContextListener
c) HttpSessionListener
d) ServletRequestAttributeListener


c) HttpSessionListener


The HttpSessionListener is used to receive notification events about HttpSession lifecycle changes.

14. Which annotation is used to define a servlet in the latest versions of the Servlet API?

a) @ServletDefinition
b) @WebServlet
c) @HttpServlet
d) @ServletConfig


b) @WebServlet


The @WebServlet annotation is used to define a servlet in modern versions of the Servlet API.

15. Which method is used to get all the initialization parameters from the web.xml file?

a) getInitParameters()
b) getConfigParameters()
c) getServletParameters()
d) getInitParameterNames()


d) getInitParameterNames()


The getInitParameterNames() method returns an enumeration of all the initialization parameter names.

Java Servlets play a fundamental role in web application development in Java. As you progress in your Java web development journey, deepen your understanding of servlets, their life cycle, and related technologies. We hope this quiz provided some valuable insights and encouraged you to delve deeper into the Servlet API. Happy coding!

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