What does the Guava Preconditions class provide?

What does the Guava Preconditions class provide?

A) Methods for checking method arguments and state
B) Tools for managing database transactions
C) Utilities for handling I/O operations
D) Methods for parsing and formatting dates


A) Methods for checking method arguments and state


The Guava Preconditions class provides methods for checking method arguments and state. It helps validate the conditions in your code by throwing exceptions if the conditions are not met. This is particularly useful for ensuring that methods are called with valid arguments and that the object’s state is appropriate for the method being executed.

Common methods include checkArgument(), checkState(), and checkNotNull(). For example:

int count = Preconditions.checkArgument(count > 0, "Count must be positive");

This line checks that count is positive and throws an IllegalArgumentException if the condition is not met, with the provided error message.

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