What does Guava’s Splitter class do?

What does Guava’s Splitter class do?

A) It splits strings into components based on a separator
B) It divides files into multiple parts
C) It distributes tasks across multiple threads
D) It breaks down large datasets into smaller subsets


A) It splits strings into components based on a separator


Guava’s Splitter class is used to split strings into components based on a specified separator. It provides a flexible and convenient way to break down strings into parts, handling cases such as trimming whitespace, omitting empty strings, and more.

For example:

Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(", ").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults();
List<String> parts = splitter.splitToList("one, two, , three");

This code splits the string “one, two, , three” into a list of parts, omitting empty strings and trimming whitespace, resulting in the list [“one”, “two”, “three”]. The Splitter class is the complement of Joiner and provides powerful string manipulation capabilities.

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