JavaScript Switch Statement MCQ

1. What is the purpose of the switch statement in JavaScript?

a) To declare variables conditionally
b) To execute a block of code among many alternatives
c) To loop through a block of code
d) To check for boolean conditions


b) To execute a block of code among many alternatives


The switch statement is used to perform different actions based on different conditions. It allows the execution of a block of code among many alternatives.

2. What is the correct syntax for a switch statement in JavaScript?

a) switch(expression) {case x: …}
b) switch(x) {when x: …}
c) switch {case x: …}
d) switch(x) {if x: …}


a) switch(expression) {case x: …}


The correct syntax for a switch statement includes the switch keyword followed by an expression in parentheses and a series of case statements inside curly braces.

3. How does JavaScript match a case in a switch statement?

a) Using strict equality (===)
b) Using loose equality (==)
c) Using greater than or less than comparison
d) Using bitwise operators


a) Using strict equality (===)


JavaScript matches a case in a switch statement using strict equality, meaning both the value and the type must be the same.

4. What keyword is used to define a default case in a switch statement?

a) default
b) else
c) finally
d) otherwise


a) default


The default keyword is used to specify the default case in a switch statement, which is executed if no case matches.

5. Can a switch statement include multiple cases for the same block of code?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Only if they are adjacent
d) Only within nested switch statements


a) Yes


Multiple cases can be used for the same block of code in a switch statement. They are typically stacked together above a single block.

6. What is the role of the break keyword in a switch statement?

a) To stop the case execution
b) To exit the switch statement
c) To break out of the current case and continue executing the switch statement
d) Both a and b


d) Both a and b


The break keyword stops the execution of the current case and exits the switch statement.

7. What happens if the break keyword is omitted in a switch case?

a) The code execution stops immediately
b) The switch statement becomes invalid
c) The execution continues with the next case
d) An error is thrown


c) The execution continues with the next case


If the break keyword is omitted, the execution continues with the next case (fall-through behavior).

8. Is it mandatory to have a default case in a switch statement?

a) Yes, always
b) No, it's optional
c) Only if there are more than three cases
d) Only if there is no break statement


b) No, it's optional


The default case in a switch statement is optional. It is executed if no case matches, but its absence does not invalidate the switch statement.

9. Can the default case be placed at the beginning of a switch statement?

a) Yes, but it must include a break statement
b) Yes, and it doesn't need a break statement
c) No, it must be at the end
d) No, it is not allowed


a) Yes, but it must include a break statement


The default case can be placed anywhere in a switch statement, but if it's not at the end, it should include a break statement to prevent fall-through.

10. What type of values can be used for cases in a switch statement?

a) Only strings
b) Only numbers
c) Both strings and numbers
d) Any expression


c) Both strings and numbers


In a switch statement, cases can use both strings and numbers as values. JavaScript evaluates them using strict comparison.

11. Can a switch statement be nested inside another switch statement?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Only inside a default case
d) Only if the outer switch has a default case


a) Yes


A switch statement can be nested inside another switch statement, allowing for more complex decision structures.

12. How does JavaScript handle a case value that is an expression?

a) It evaluates the expression at runtime
b) It treats the expression as a string
c) It only allows constant expressions
d) It throws an error


a) It evaluates the expression at runtime


JavaScript evaluates the expressions in case values at runtime, allowing dynamic matching in the switch statement.

13. How is a switch statement different from a series of if-else statements?

a) A switch statement is used only for numeric values
b) A switch statement is more efficient for multiple, distinct cases
c) if-else statements can't handle multiple cases
d) There is no difference


b) A switch statement is more efficient for multiple, distinct cases


A switch statement is more efficient and cleaner when you have many distinct cases to handle, compared to using multiple if-else statements.

14. Can the cases in a switch statement be non-sequential?

a) No, they must be in sequential order
b) Yes, they can be in any order
c) They must be in ascending order
d) They must be grouped by data type


b) Yes, they can be in any order


The cases in a switch statement can be in any order; they don't have to be sequential or in any specific order.

15. Is it possible to use a variable as a case value in a switch statement?

a) Yes, without any restrictions
b) Yes, but only if the variable is a constant
c) No, case values must be literals
d) No, it leads to a runtime error


a) Yes, without any restrictions


Variables can be used as case values in a switch statement, allowing for dynamic and flexible case evaluation.

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