Which of the following is a short-circuiting terminal operation in the Stream API?

Which of the following is a short-circuiting terminal operation in the Stream API?

a) forEach()
b) map()
c) filter()
d) anyMatch()


d) anyMatch()


The anyMatch() method is a short-circuiting terminal operation in the Stream API that returns true if any element in the stream matches the given predicate. This method is particularly useful when you want to check if at least one element in a stream meets a specific condition. The term “short-circuiting” refers to the fact that the operation can terminate early, without processing all elements in the stream, as soon as a matching element is found.

Short-circuiting operations are important for performance optimization, especially when working with large datasets. By terminating the operation early, they can reduce the amount of processing required and improve the overall efficiency of the code. For example, if you have a list of numbers and want to check if any number is greater than 100, using anyMatch() will stop processing as soon as a number greater than 100 is found, saving time and resources.

Other examples of short-circuiting operations in the Stream API include allMatch(), which checks if all elements match a given predicate, and noneMatch(), which checks if no elements match the predicate. These methods also evaluate the elements of a stream based on a predicate and can terminate early if the result is determined before all elements are processed. Short-circuiting operations are valuable tools for writing efficient and performant code in Java.

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