Which interface is used to execute SQL queries in JDBC?

Java MCQ: Which interface is used to execute SQL queries in JDBC?

a) Statement
b) ResultSet
c) Connection
d) PreparedStatement


a) Statement


The Statement interface is used to execute SQL queries in JDBC. It provides methods to execute SQL statements, such as executeQuery() for SELECT statements, executeUpdate() for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, and execute() for executing any kind of SQL statement.

Here’s an example of using Statement to execute a query:

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM employees");

This example creates a Statement object and uses it to execute a SELECT query, returning the results in a ResultSet object.

In addition to Statement, JDBC also provides the PreparedStatement interface for executing parameterized queries, which is more secure and efficient for repeated queries.

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