What is the purpose of the setAutoCommit() method in JDBC?

What is the purpose of the setAutoCommit() method in JDBC?

a) To automatically commit each SQL statement
b) To automatically rollback each SQL statement
c) To manually commit SQL statements
d) To set the transaction isolation level


a) To automatically commit each SQL statement


The setAutoCommit() method in JDBC is used to control the auto-commit mode of database transactions. When auto-commit is enabled (the default setting), each SQL statement is automatically committed to the database as soon as it is executed. This means that the changes made by the statement are immediately saved and become permanent.

In some scenarios, it may be desirable to disable auto-commit and manually control the transaction boundaries. By setting auto-commit to false, the developer can group multiple SQL statements into a single transaction, which can be committed or rolled back as a whole using the commit() or rollback() methods. This approach provides greater control over the transaction process, allowing for more complex and reliable database operations.

Understanding the use of setAutoCommit() is important for managing transactions effectively in JDBC applications. It allows developers to implement transaction management strategies that meet the specific needs of their applications, ensuring data integrity and consistency.

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