Is the Stack a static data structure?

Java MCQ: Is the Stack a static data structure?

A) Yes
B) No


B) No


The stack is not a static data structure; it is dynamic. This means that a stack can grow and shrink at runtime as elements are added and removed. The dynamic nature of the stack makes it flexible and suitable for applications where the number of elements is not known in advance.

In an array-based stack, the size of the stack can be increased by resizing the underlying array when it becomes full. In a linked list-based stack, the size is inherently dynamic, as each element (node) is allocated memory individually, and the stack can grow as long as there is available memory:

import java.util.Stack;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
        stack.pop(); // Removes the top element
        stack.push(40); // Stack grows again
        System.out.println(stack); // Outputs: [10, 20, 40]

In this example, elements are pushed and popped from the stack, demonstrating its ability to grow and shrink dynamically. The dynamic nature of the stack allows it to efficiently manage memory and handle varying workloads in different applications, such as managing function calls, parsing expressions, and backtracking algorithms.

Understanding the dynamic behavior of stacks is essential for effectively using this data structure in scenarios where the size of the data set cannot be predetermined, allowing for greater flexibility and efficiency in memory usage.

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