GCP Professional Cloud Developer Practice Test

Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Developer Certification? This practice test with 25 multiple-choice questions, answers, and explanations will help you get a step closer to acing the actual exam. Let’s dive in!

1. Which of the following services is used for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications using Kubernetes on Google Cloud?

A) Compute Engine
B) Kubernetes Engine
C) App Engine
D) Cloud Functions


B) Kubernetes Engine


Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is designed to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes on Google Cloud.

2. How can you enable versioning for a Cloud Storage bucket?

A) Using the Console
B) Using gsutil command
C) Using Cloud SDK
D) All of the above


D) All of the above


Versioning for a Cloud Storage bucket can be enabled using the Console, gsutil command, or Cloud SDK.

3. Which service in Google Cloud is used for building end-to-end machine learning models?

A) AI Platform
B) BigQuery ML
C) AutoML
D) Video AI


A) AI Platform


AI Platform is a suite of services that enables the building, training, and deployment of machine learning models.

4. What is the purpose of VPC Network Peering in Google Cloud?

A) Connect different VPC networks within the same project
B) Connect different VPC networks across projects
C) Share a VPC network across projects
D) Both A and B


D) Both A and B


VPC Network Peering allows different VPC networks to connect, either within the same project or across different projects, for internal IP address communication.

5. Which command is used to deploy a Google Cloud Function?

A) gcloud functions deploy
B) gcloud app deploy
C) gcloud deploy function
D) gcloud deploy app


A) gcloud functions deploy


The command ‘gcloud functions deploy’ is used to deploy a Google Cloud Function.

6. Which service is fully managed and allows the execution of your code in response to events without provisioning or managing servers?

A) Compute Engine
B) Kubernetes Engine
C) App Engine
D) Cloud Functions


D) Cloud Functions


Cloud Functions is a lightweight, serverless compute service that allows the execution of code in response to events without provisioning or managing servers.

7. Which of the following services allows for the transformation, clean, and enrichment of data in stream and batch mode?

A) Dataflow
B) Pub/Sub
C) BigQuery
D) Dataprep


A) Dataflow


Dataflow is a fully managed service for stream and batch processing that allows the transformation, cleaning, and enrichment of data.

8. Which of the following is a NoSQL document database built for automatic and instant scalability?

A) Cloud Bigtable
B) Cloud Firestore
C) Cloud Spanner
D) Cloud SQL


B) Cloud Firestore


Cloud Firestore is a NoSQL document database that offers automatic and instant scalability, allowing it to handle large amounts of data and traffic.

9. How can the deployment of resources in Google Cloud be automated using infrastructure as code?

A) Using Cloud Shell
B) Using Deployment Manager
C) Using gcloud commands
D) Using Cloud Source Repositories


B) Using Deployment Manager


Deployment Manager allows for the automation of resource deployment in Google Cloud using infrastructure as code through configurations and templates.

10. Which Google Cloud service would you use for Internet of Things (IoT) solutions?

A) Cloud IoT Core
B) Cloud Endpoints
C) Cloud Pub/Sub
D) Cloud Functions


A) Cloud IoT Core


Cloud IoT Core is a managed service that allows for securely connecting and managing IoT devices from globally dispersed locations.

11. Which of the following is used to manage the lifecycle of API keys within a Google Cloud project?

A) API Gateway
B) Apigee
C) API Keys Manager
D) Endpoints


A) API Gateway


API Gateway is a fully-managed Google Cloud service that enables developers to create, secure, deploy, and monitor APIs at scale.

12. How would you enable the retention of deleted data in a BigQuery table for 30 days?

A) Using table expiration
B) Setting a retention policy
C) Using a snapshot table
D) Scheduling a recurring query


B) Setting a retention policy


Setting a retention policy on a BigQuery table allows you to retain deleted data for a specified number of days.

13. What is the primary purpose of Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) in Google Cloud?

A) Monitor the identity of applications
B) Secure application deployment
C) Control access to applications running in App Engine
D) Enable Single Sign-On (SSO)


C) Control access to applications running in App Engine


Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) controls access to applications running in App Engine and other Google Cloud services, verifying user identity and context of the request.

14. Which of the following is a fully managed environment to run containerized applications on Google Cloud?

A) App Engine flexible environment
B) Compute Engine
C) Kubernetes Engine
D) Cloud Run


D) Cloud Run


Cloud Run is a fully managed compute platform that automatically scales containerized applications in Google Cloud.

15. How can you trigger a Cloud Function every day at a specific time?

A) Using Cloud Scheduler
B) Using Cloud Pub/Sub
C) Using HTTP trigger
D) Using Cloud Endpoints


A) Using Cloud Scheduler


Cloud Scheduler can be used to trigger Cloud Functions on a scheduled basis, allowing for the execution of functions at specific times.

16. Which service allows you to analyze large datasets in real-time by providing a serverless, fully managed analytics platform?

A) BigQuery
B) Dataflow
C) Dataprep
D) Pub/Sub


A) BigQuery


BigQuery is a serverless, fully managed analytics platform that enables super-fast SQL queries using the processing power of Google's infrastructure.

17. In which Google Cloud service would you configure autoscaling based on incoming request rates?

A) Compute Engine
B) App Engine
C) Kubernetes Engine
D) Cloud Functions


B) App Engine


App Engine allows you to configure autoscaling based on incoming request rates, ensuring the service can handle varying levels of traffic.

18. Which Google Cloud service is suitable for migrating VMs to containers?

A) Migrate for Compute Engine
B) Migrate for Anthos
C) Kubernetes Engine
D) Cloud Run


B) Migrate for Anthos


Migrate for Anthos allows for the migration of VMs to containers in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine).

19. Which of the following can be used for the continuous integration and delivery of applications in Google Cloud?

A) Cloud Build
B) Cloud Source Repositories
C) Cloud Debugger
D) Cloud Deployment Manager


A) Cloud Build


Cloud Build is a service that can be used for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) in Google Cloud, allowing you to build, test, and deploy applications.

20. Which service provides a private Docker image storage on Google Cloud?

A) Cloud Storage
B) Cloud Repository
C) Container Registry
D) Artifact Registry


C) Container Registry


Container Registry is a private Docker image storage service on Google Cloud.

21. What is the primary purpose of using Stackdriver in Google Cloud?

A) Resource Stacking
B) Monitoring, Logging, and Diagnostics
C) Stack Management
D) Resource Allocation


B) Monitoring, Logging, and Diagnostics


Stackdriver provides powerful monitoring, logging, and diagnostics capabilities, enabling you to gain insights into the health, performance, and availability of cloud-powered applications.

22. How can developers diagnose and fix application performance issues with a service in Google Cloud?

A) Using Cloud Profiler
B) Using Cloud Debugger
C) Using Cloud Trace
D) All of the above


D) All of the above


Cloud Profiler, Cloud Debugger, and Cloud Trace are all tools provided by Google Cloud to help developers diagnose and fix application performance issues.

23. Which of the following is true regarding the use of Pub/Sub in Google Cloud?

A) It is a messaging service for building event-driven systems.
B) It is used for publishing and subscribing to messages.
C) It is a globally durable message ingestion service.
D) All of the above


D) All of the above


Pub/Sub is a globally durable message ingestion service in Google Cloud, used for building event-driven systems and for publishing and subscribing to messages.

24. Which service allows you to visualize, monitor, and manage Google Cloud resources and applications in real-time?

A) Cloud Console
B) Cloud Monitoring
C) Cloud Dashboard
D) Cloud Operations


B) Cloud Monitoring


Cloud Monitoring allows you to visualize, monitor, and manage Google Cloud resources and applications in real-time, providing insights into the performance, availability, and health of your applications.

25. What is the recommended approach for managing application state in a microservices architecture on Google Cloud?

A) Using global variables
B) Using a centralized database
C) Using Cloud Firestore or Cloud Spanner
D) Storing state in application memory


C) Using Cloud Firestore or Cloud Spanner


In a microservices architecture on Google Cloud, it is recommended to manage application state using services like Cloud Firestore or Cloud Spanner, which are designed for distributed, scalable, and reliable storage of application state.

This practice test is intended to provide a glimpse into the types of questions you might encounter in the Google Cloud – Professional Cloud Developer certification exam. Keep practicing, explore additional resources, and get hands-on experience with Google Cloud services to enhance your preparation. Utilize the Google Cloud documentation, Qwiklabs, and other study materials to deepen your understanding. Good luck with your certification, and may you become a Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Developer!

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