Unix MCQ

Welcome to UNIX MCQ. These MCQs provide a broad overview of the fundamental concepts and commands associated with the UNIX operating system. It is crucial for professionals and students to familiarize themselves with these basics for efficient use of UNIX and its various distributions.

1. Which Unix command is used to display the contents of a file?

a) cat
b) show
c) display
d) type


a) cat


The cat command is used to display the contents of a file. It stands for “concatenate and display”.

2. Which Unix command is used to count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file?

a) count
b) wc
c) calc
d) measure


b) wc


The wc command stands for “word count” and is used to display the number of lines, words, and characters in a file.

3. What does the grep command do?

a) Finds a file by name
b) Searches inside a file for a string
c) Replaces strings in a file
d) Lists all files in a directory


b) Searches inside a file for a string


grep stands for “global regular expression print” and is used to search for a specific string or pattern inside a file.

4. What is the purpose of the chmod command?

a) Modify file ownership
b) Modify file permissions
c) Change file type
d) Move a file to a different directory


b) Modify file permissions


The chmod command is used to change the permissions of a file or directory.

5. Which of the following commands is used to remove a directory?

a) rmdir
b) del
c) remove
d) delete


a) rmdir


The rmdir command is used to remove empty directories.

6. The pwd command in UNIX is used for:

a) Printing all directories
b) Printing current directory
c) Changing to the home directory
d) Changing directory permissions


b) Printing current directory


pwd stands for “print working directory” and it displays the path of the current directory.

7. Which command will display all hidden files in a directory?

a) ls -a
b) ls -h
c) ls -d
d) ls -s


a) ls -a


The ls -a command lists all entries, including those that start with a dot, which are hidden files in UNIX.

8. What does the >> operator do in UNIX?

a) Redirects error messages
b) Appends output to a file
c) Overwrites file content
d) Compares two files


b) Appends output to a file


The >> operator is used to append the output of a command to a file. If the file does not exist, it creates one.

9. Which Unix command displays the manual or help pages of a command?

a) man
b) help
c) info
d) guide


a) man


The man command is used to display the manual or help pages of a command. It stands for “manual”.

10. Which Unix command is used to display the process status?

a) ps
b) stat
c) view
d) proc


a) ps


The ps command is used to display information about the currently running processes.

11. What does the kill command do in UNIX?

a) Deletes a file
b) Ends a user session
c) Stops a running process
d) Displays user activity


c) Stops a running process


The kill command is used to send signals to processes, allowing you to stop, pause, or otherwise signal processes.

12. Which Unix command can be used to display disk usage?

a) du
b) disk
c) usage
d) space


a) du


The du command stands for “disk usage” and is used to estimate and display the disk space used by files.

13. The which command in UNIX is used to:

a) Determine the type of a file
b) Search for a command’s binary location
c) Search for files containing a specific string
d) Display users logged into the system


b) Search for a command’s binary location


The which command is used to locate the binary of a command to see where it resides on disk.

14. The alias command in UNIX is used for:

a) Renaming a file or directory
b) Creating a shortcut for a command
c) Displaying file permissions
d) Listing all available commands


b) Creating a shortcut for a command


The alias command allows users to create shortcuts or abbreviations for longer command sequences.

15. Which of the following commands will display the last 100 lines of a file named “data.txt”?

a) tail -n 100 data.txt
b) head -n 100 data.txt
c) cat 100 data.txt
d) print -l 100 data.txt


a) tail -n 100 data.txt


The tail command displays the last few lines of a file. With the -n option, you can specify the number of lines to display.

16. What is the primary purpose of the crontab command?

a) Schedule tasks to run at specific intervals
b) Display system’s uptime
c) Show system cron logs
d) List files in the current directory


a) Schedule tasks to run at specific intervals


The crontab command is used to create, read, update, and delete cron jobs for a user. Cron jobs are tasks scheduled to run at specific intervals.

17. Which of the following commands is used to sort the contents of a file?

a) order
b) arrange
c) sort
d) classify


c) sort


The sort command is used to sort the lines in a text file.

18. Which command allows you to substitute a string in a file?

a) replace
b) alter
c) sed
d) swap


c) sed


sed, or stream editor can be used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream or file.

19. Which command is used to find the location of a program in UNIX?

a) find
b) locate
c) where
d) which


d) which


While both find and locate can be used to search for files, the which command is specifically used to locate the executable file associated with a given command.

20. Which command is used to send the output of one command as the input to another command?

a) >>
b) |
c) >
d) <<


b) |


The pipe (|) is used to send the output of one command as input to another command.

21. What does the chown command do?

a) Change the name of a file or directory
b) Change the permissions of a file or directory
c) Change the owner of a file or directory
d) Check for file ownership


c) Change the owner of a file or directory


The chown command is used to change the owner (and optionally the group) of a file or directory.

22. The ln command in UNIX is used to:

a) List file names
b) Link files
c) Log in to the system
d) List network connections


b) Link files


The ln command is used to create links between files.

23. Which command is used to repeat the last executed command in UNIX?

a) redo
b) !!
c) repeat
d) ^


b) !!


In many UNIX shells, !! is used to repeat the last executed command.

24. What does the $? variable signify in UNIX?

a) Total number of arguments
b) Process ID of the last command
c) Exit status of the last command
d) Current user ID


c) Exit status of the last command


In UNIX, $? gives the exit status of the last command executed. An exit status of 0 usually indicates success, while any other value indicates an error.

25. The touch command in UNIX is primarily used to:

a) Touch files or directories
b) Display file content
c) Modify file timestamps
d) Change file permissions


c) Modify file timestamps


The touch command is primarily used to create empty files and can also change the timestamps on existing files.

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