What does the join() method do in Python threading?

What does the join() method do in Python threading?

a) It waits for the thread to complete before continuing the program
b) It starts the execution of a thread
c) It pauses the execution of a thread
d) It creates a new thread


a) It waits for the thread to complete before continuing the program


The join() method in Python threading is used to wait for a thread to complete its execution before continuing with the rest of the program. When join() is called on a thread, the main program pauses until the thread has finished running.

import threading
import time

def slow_function():
    print("Thread completed")

# Creating and starting a thread
thread = threading.Thread(target=slow_function)

# Waiting for the thread to finish

print("Main program continues")

In this example, the main program waits for the thread to finish executing the slow_function before printing “Main program continues”.

The join() method is essential for synchronizing threads, ensuring that certain tasks are completed before moving on to the next steps in your program.

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